llustration: Garden Party Wedding Invitation Stationery

Josh 和 Peggy 的婚禮有如一個夢幻的花園派對。
在婚禮舉行的 300 天以前,Peggy 的心裡就開始想像一個有著可愛夏天、五顏六色小野花肆意生長的草地,
她會在那裡和 Josh 互相說出愛的結婚誓詞。而我依她心裡的彩色小花園創作了這些插圖。

下方是 Josh 和 Peggy 的婚禮邀請函的正面和背面、夜晚派對邀請函、WAT 雞尾酒禮物和拍貼機的照片。
Teyun Annie 將她最喜歡的飛燕草和 Josh & Peggy 畫進邀請函,邀請家人和親近友人來參與他們這輩子最重要的派對。


Josh and Peggy’s breathtaking wedding came together like a magical garden party.
Peggy envisioned a colorful palette of wildflowers surrounding the wedding venue,
and with that vision, I created these drawings.

Above are the front and back sides of Josh and Peggy’s wedding invitations,
after-party invites, and photos from the photo booth.
Custom illustrations of her favorite Delphinium flowers and Josh & Peggy by Teyun Annie.


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